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Domestic Violence – Ways to Get Help
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
- SMS: Text “START” to 88788
- Ohio Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-934-9840
- Ohio Domestic Violence Map of Programs and Shelters: www.odvn.org
- National Resource Center on Domestic Violence: www.nrcdv.org
- Warning Signs of Domestic Violence: www.wadvocates.org
- Recognizing the Patterns of Domestic Violence: www.mayoclinic.org
- Guide to Protection Orders and Resources:www.city-attorney.Columbus.gov
- Common Questions About Sexual Assault: https://florinroebig.com/sexual-assault-guide/
You Never Know How Strong You Are,
Until Being Strong Is Your Only Option.
- On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.
- 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence
- 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.
- 1 in 7 women and 1 in 25 men have been injured by an intimate partner.
- 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
- 1 in 7 women and 1 in 18 men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed.
- Intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all violent crime.
- Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries.
- 60.8% of female stalking victims and 43.5% men reported being stalked by a current or former intimate partner.
- Victims of intimate partner violence lose a total of 8.0 million days of paid work each year.
- The cost of intimate partner violence exceeds $8.3 billion per year.
- Detox – Outpatient detox ranges from $1,000 to $1,500 in total. Most inpatient rehabs include detox in the cost of a program. The exact cost of detox depends on whether it’s part of an inpatient program and the type of drug addiction being treated. Substances with dangerous detox side effects require more careful monitoring, making the price higher.
- Inpatient Rehab –Some inpatient rehabs may cost around $6,000 for a 30-day program. Well-known centers often cost up to $20,000 for a 30-day program. For those requiring 60- or 90-day programs, the total average of costs could range anywhere from $12,000 to $60,000.
- Outpatient Rehab – Outpatient programs for mild to moderate addictions are cheaper than inpatient rehab. Many cost $5,000 for a three-month program. Some outpatient programs, such as the program at Hazelden Betty Ford, cost $10,000. The price tag depends on how often the individual visits the center each week and for how long.
- Medications – The type of treatment and medications needed affects the price tag on rehab. Some people don’t need medication for their addiction. Medications most often treat alcohol and opiate addiction. It can cost several thousand dollars a year. Year-long methadone treatment for heroin users costs around $4,700.
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Facts
- Domestic Violence Statistics
- Domestic Violence in Ohio
- Ohio Domestic Violence Network
- Addiction Center